This week's topic is:
Top Ten Goals/Resolutions For 2014 (bookish, not bookish or a blend)
1. Write reviews IMMEDIATELY when I am done with a book.
2. Schedule posts in ADVANCE! This way if "real life" gets me away from the computer for a bit hopefully I have some stuff already up.
3. LESS time on Twitter O.O This one will be HARD!!
4. Get more organized, in blogging and in real life.
5. Exercise and eat right....I mean isn't this a universal one?!
6. Go to more book signings
7. Try out new genres
8. Be more money savy $$$$$
9. Get on a regular sleeping schedule....seriously I don't sleep a lot and I have three kids and it's BRUTAL!
10. Spend more time with the hubs away from electronics ♥
What are some of your goals??
At least half of these are ones that I need to work on this year! Esp. 1, 2, 4 (This year I will get organized!), and 5! Good luck with all of your goals this year! :)
ReplyDeleteOoh... the scheduling post thing ;D (I have like 24 right now... hehe) It's a lot easier when you have a bunch of ideas at one tim. They kind of all go down at the same time!
ReplyDeleteYou have great goals! I really hope you achieve them... except for that one about twitter. I like you *clings* do not leave us!!! :P