Friday, September 12, 2014

Books I Have Been OBSESSING Over + Giveaway

Okay, I've been having the toughest time writing reviews lately, specifically for these books. What's crazy is I'm OBSESSED and IN LOVE with these specific titles. I'm just having a hard time putting into words how much I truly love them without it all being an incoherent mess. My lovely friend, Jenna, did a post this week that I really liked and so I decided to do something similar! Thanks Jenna for the inspiration. 

Released: 7/22/14
Publisher: Bloomsbury Childrens
Format: eARC
Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

This book was absolutely beautiful. I was really nervous starting out because parallel universes and I don't mesh well the majority of the time, but this story line was written so well. I absolutely loved the characters. Sabine was realistic and I was able to by sympathetic to her throughout everything she went through in the book. There is also some major romance in the book and it was done perfectly. It was believable and felt so real. I absolutely adored Ethan, and I love how they grew together. While this book was beautiful, it was also HEART BREAKING. I literally ended up in the fetal position, clutching a pillow, and ugly-crying on my Kindle. It really wasn't a pretty sight. This book really BROKE me. Now I want all of you to go out and read this book and be heartbroken and ruined right along with me. ;D 

(Thanks to Bloomsbury Kids for providing me with this eARC via Netgalley)

Released: 9/9/14
Publisher: Harper Teen 
Format: eARC
Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

Okay, if you follow me on Twitter most of you already know I'm addicted to this book and that I absolutely LOVE it. Seriously it's an amazing thriller and has an amazing group of characters to boot. Sam is a really kick butt girl who goes in a male dominated world and shows every single one of them up. She goes into a situation where she knows she will be pushed around, looked down on, and she grits her teeth and pushes through every little thing they throw at her. She is someone that I rooted for the entire way through and I know everyone else will too. Drill, oh what all can I say about Drill?! He is fantastic. He is there for Sam in a way no one else could ever be. There is an amazing romance told BUT at the same time it doesn't over shadow this story, AND the female lead DOES NOT, I REPEAT DOES NOT, become weak because of the romance. This does not turn into a story where the guy she falls for is what makes her become strong/stronger, and she doesn't instantly become weak because he is around. This is something I absolutely love. It shows that you can have that romance, but you can be completely strong on your own also. All around this book is absolutely fantastic and I can not recommend it enough! 

(Thanks to Harper Teen for providing me with this eARC via Edelweiss)

Releases: 9/16/14
Publisher: Dial (Penguin Imprint) 
Format: Print ARC 
Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

This book is seriously one of the, if not THE, most beautiful and touching book I have EVER read. I don't recall ever reading a book and the ending touching my heart and soul so much that it brought me to tears. This is a book that you will read and it will never leave you. The writing is insanely beautiful. It's eccentric, quirky, poetic, and fun. There are also so many amazing things this book deals with from family issues, sexual orientation, finding yourself, death, and love. It was amazing to have all this deep issues woven together so beautifully and then throwing art into the mix. I've never been much into art but this seriously made me want to go to museum and read up on things just because of how beautiful it is all made out to be. I'm extremely attached to all the characters in the book, though I have to admit Noah is my absolute favorite. He is so quirky and strange, but bright, bold, and beautiful. I love Jude and watching her find herself again. This is a book I would encourage anyone and everyone to pick up. I think it would have an amazing impact on everyone and touch them in some way. I will keep I'll Give You the Sun in my heart and soul forever. 
And, Jandy Nelson- I would give all my fingers, the sun, the moon, the stars, and the sky up for this book, every single time. ♥

Released: 9/9/14
Publisher: Harper Teen 
Format: Print ARC
Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

HISTORICAL FANTASY!! Do I even have to say more?? Yes? Well fine. First of all, the time period was amazing. Then the world itself was phenomenal. I could vividly see everything and never had any problem imagining this world that Jessamin lives in. I felt like I was there the whole time and had no trouble believing in any of the mysterious, or magical things that happened. I really love Jessamin. She is a really spunky, tough girl and always wants to meet her problems head on. I love how she wasn't trying to depend on anyone else when things got tough for her, and how much she wants to keep her friends safe even if it made things harder for her. I adore Finn. Jessamin and him work so well together, and it was interesting the way the storyline played out for those two. I found the magic and the way it worked fascinating. This is definitely one of those books that will be on my favorites shelf, that I will get out and read again and again. 

(Thanks to Harper Teen for providing me with this ARC)

So are you guys OBSESSING over any specific books right now? I just can't quit talking about and recommending these books to people!!! Also I ended up with two finished copies of Illusions of Fate, SO I'm giving away a copy!! 

Giveaway Policy


  1. I loooooved One Past Midnight too! I still need to read the others!

  2. I've heard so many good things about I'll Give You the Sun, but I don't know if I'll get around to reading it. Illusions of Fate is more of my taste.

  3. Illusions of Fate sounds like a book I would love! It's one of my favorite periods for Historical Fiction and the fantasy elements and a great female character, sign me up! I honestly forgot it was coming out. It seems under the radar. SO glad you loved it and thanks for the giveaway!
    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

  4. I haven't read any of these books (oops) so thanks for the reviews and the giveaway! Keep in touch I miss you girly!!!

  5. I love, love, love historical fantasy! Not so much a fan of the genre by itself, but if you add something magical or fantastical, then I'll definitely read it. I've only read Kiersten White's Mind Games, and I loved it! But now I'm excited and want to read ALL of her books. But more so Illusions of Fate, because it sounds exactly like the kind of book I adore. Thanks for the giveaway! :) Also, I haven't read the other two books, but they are on my TBR as well. So many books to read and so little time! *sigh*

  6. I got my Kindle copy of Illusions of Fate but I haven't read it yet, but that glorious cover makes me totally covet a physical copy!!

    The other books I've heard great things about and have a pair of them on the wish list too, One Past Midnight and Rites of Passage both. I'll Give You The Sun I'm still a bit on the fence about!

  7. I loved One Past Midnight, too! And I'm super excited to read Rites of Passage and Illusions of Fate soon. *crosses fingers* Hopefully I'll win so I can check at least one of those books off my TBR list. Thanks for the giveaway!

  8. Rites of Passage sounds good I will have to add it to my TBR list. I am dying to read Illusions of Fate, I am waiting on it to become available from my library! Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  9. I love Kiersten White's book, and I had no idea Illusions of Fate was historical fiction. I'm even more excited to read it now! :)

  10. I ADORED One Past Midnight! I have been having so much trouble writing the review too, because... how do I put it into words?! Definitely one of my favorites of the year so far! And Rites of Passage just came to my house on Tuesday, so I am extra excited for that, and I have pre-ordered I'll Give You the Sun. I have heard SUCH amazing things about Illusions of Fate, and this makes me want to read it that much more! Thanks so much for the chance :)

  11. I really really want Illusions of Fate because Kiersten White said that was her favorite book that she had written and wow, now I need it. I'll Give You the Sun has the cutest cover. Thank you for the giveaway!

  12. I really need to check out I'll Give You the Sun. I haven't ever read anything by Jandy Nelson, but I saw you raving about her stuff on Twitter so I am going to have to add her to my list!!! Also really want to read one past midnight I love Jessicas work she has amazing writing!!!!

  13. I have heard nothing but good stuff about both I'll give you the Sun and Illusions of fate! I can't wait to pick both of them up, but winning one of them would be AMAZING! Thanks for the chance :)

  14. The things I've hear about Illusions of Fate are awesome. I can't wait to read it. I love seeing 5 star reviews. Thanks for providing some books to put in my TBR list.

  15. I have been obsessing over a lot of books lately...... The Grisha Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo, the Shatter Me series by Tahereh Mafi, Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor, Illusive by Emily Lloyd-Jones, Rumble by Ellen Hopkins....... So. Many.

  16. I am so dying for this book even though it has mixed reviews. Im such a sucker for magic and historical fiction so this is sooooo prefect. Thanks for a chance to win the beauty

  17. I am super excited to read Illusions Of Fate! I've been wanting that book since before it came out! :) (BTW I entered and I accidentally inserted my email wrong! It's (instead, I put :D Thanks for the giveaway!

    @Books With Jessie

  18. I really want to read! Thanks for the giveaway (:

  19. Historical fantasy is the best! And the cover art for Illusions of Fate looks gorgeous. I hate to say it, but I totally judge books by their covers. lol Thanks for the giveaway!! :)

  20. I am so, so, SO looking forward to Illusions of Fate! I've been hearing nothing but great things!


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