Friday, May 16, 2014

Between the Spark and the Burn GIVEAWAY

So Penguin is AWESOME and sent me this frickin kick butt package this week!

Behold the pretties ♥

And as you can see I ended up with two ARCs of BETWEEN THE SPARK AND THE BURN, which means you guys have a chance to win a copy!!! This will be a US only giveaway for the ARC, UNLESS if you are INTL you are wiling to pay the difference in shipping costs. Completely up to you. :)



US only
INTL can enter if willing to pay difference in shipping 
13+ to enter
Cheating will result in disqualification 


  1. What a lovely stack of books! Thank you for the chance to win :-)

  2. Eepp!! Thank you so much for the giveaway lovely (fingers crossed) xoxo

  3. Thank you for the giveaway. Penguin is awesome!!!


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