Saturday, September 7, 2013

Stacking the Shelves (5)

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga at Tynga's Reviews. Stacking the Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books your borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course eBooks. 

This week I got lots of goodies in the mail, and a few good e-books. :)

Physical Books:

I received all of these from Fresh Fiction :)

The Beautiful and the Damned by Jessica Verday 
Clockwork Scarab by Colleen Gleason
Elegy by Amanda Hocking
Thirteen by Kelley Armstrong
The Social Code by Sadie Hayes (I just finished this book today, it was pretty good)

I bought:

Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs (on sale at Target, couldn't resist)


Ghost Hand by Ripley Patton (Author Review Request)
Mechanical by Pauline C. Harris (Author Review Request)
Intentional by MK Harkins (Author Review Request)
Taking Chances by Molly McAdams (Won through Twitter Giveaway via @AuthorTiffany)
Beast by Tiffini Hunt (Received from Author @tiffinihunt)
Quest of the Hart Mary Waibel (Won through comment contest via @mewtweety14)

What books did you get this week? Have you read any of these? Thoughts?


  1. great selection of books! I'm curious about the Clockwork Scarab book. Love that cover and I'm a sucker for clockwork things. I hope you enjoy them all!

    My Friends Are Fiction

    1. I am the same! The cover is what got me, then the word Clockwork lol I'm excited to get to read it soon.

  2. Lovely haul of books. I always love to see what people get every week. Looks like you got some awesome books.

    Books of Love

    1. Thank you. I do too. Thanks for stopping by :)

  3. It looks like you had a good haul this week! The Social Code does look pretty good. Miss Peregrine's is a great book and I hope you really like it and the pictures that come with it!

    Enjoy your books!
    My STS:

    1. I did, didn't I? ;) I keep hearing about these pictures. I'm going to have to go sneak a peek in there lol

  4. I love Amanda Hocking's books, and I can't wait to read The Clockwork Scarab. Happy reading!

    My StS.

    1. I do too! She's awesome :) I hope you enjoy Clockwork Scarab!

  5. I need to read thirteen but I'm little behind, maybe I need to read book 7 before. Happy reading!

    here is mine

    1. Lol yea you are like 5 books behind ;) I love that series. I've got to go back & refresh my mind some because it's been a bit since I read the others lol

  6. Nice haul! I have a review of Ghost Hand scheduled for the end of this month. Going off the covers, I'm interested in The Clockwork Scarab and Thirteen.

    Hope you enjoy!

    Maria @ Reading the Alphabet

    1. How did you like it?? I probably won't get to read it until next month.

  7. I can't wait to be able to read it lol

    Ummm we got lucky and the house we live in currently has a big book case built in BUT I'm currently working on getting a new one lol

  8. Looking forward to your reviews, girl! :)


I would love to hear from you! I try to always comment back :)